Sunday, November 21, 2010

Low Cal Snack

I know we are all really busy and sometimes just grab something to eat before really thinking of the overall effect that 15 chocolate chip cookies in one day might have on your health meter.  One cookie as you race to the grocery store, one in your lunch, two at work and so on...  I have been really working on finding low calorie snacks that are quick and easy or the make ahead and store type.  Wouldn't you know, my garden yielded a delicious snack and my friend Amber turned me on to spray balsamic vinegar.  Here's the funny...  I kept waiting for my tomatoes to turn red since I had to pick them all (early frost) and had them in my kitchen window sill, well everywhere really.  The bigger tomatoes just wouldn't turn red.  Then I remembered that I had planted a yellow heirloom variety and they were really ripe!  My yellow tomatoes are the best because of their flavor, they hold up to slicing, and are very meaty.

Just slice

and spray on the magic

sprinkle some sea salt and pepper and yum!

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